All Fairwind sailing courses are taught on mid-sized, sloop-rigged, moderate displacement, fixed-keel yachts of the kind you likely would encounter chartering. Learning on this kind of yacht also provides a good baseline for comparison if you want to buy your own boat someday. And all Fairwind yachts have wheel steering and inboard diesel engines, giving you plenty of valuable boat-handling experience under both sail and power. With Fairwind you learn to be a safe, confident, and proficient skipper.
Fairwind sailing courses are all-inclusive. In addition to award-winning sailing instruction on great boats, you also receive all study materials, and all applicable exams and certifications. With Fairwind you don’t get hidden costs, just fair value and a dedication to helping you become a safe and competent sailor.
All Fairwind on-water classes are limited to four students per class to maximize your instruction.
Private lessons and refresher courses are available with Fairwind’s award-winning instructors. Please inquire for personalized scheduling.